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Poppin’ Pop-Up: 5 Tips For First Time Vendors

Poppin' Pop-Up: 5 Tips For First Time Vendors
Gipp Goodies pop-up (Photo Credit: Nicole Scarlett)

So you got a brand. You’re ready to make sales and connect with customers. You’ve heard about pop-up shops around the city where you could set-up a table and sell you’re amazing wares to the world. You probably already counted the money that you’re going to make

That’s not always the case.

As someone who is now trying his hand at producing our own pop-up shops and participating in others, I can tell you first hand that setting up, engaging customers and closing sales isn’t easy. That goes double for the cannabis world.

Whether you’re a flower vendor or sell food or merch, you know that competition to capture the attention of a customer.

Here are 5 tips for anyone new to the pop-up culture

Atlantabis Clothing
Poppin’ Pop-Up: 5 Tips For First Time Vendors (Photo Credit: Nicole Scarlett)

Clean to The Floor

Appearance goes a long way when it comes to attracting customers. How you set-up your table is important. First, you have to know what size table you would need? A standard table would be between 6 feet and 8 feet, depending on how much you have to display.

After you find a table that fits your needs, next is a good table cloth. Preferably, you would want to have one that matches your brand’s colors. If you don’t have the money to invest in that, then a table cloth from Target or Walmart can work. What you want to steer away from is having a naked table with just stuff on it. Good products can sell regardless, but you want to give yourself as much of an advantage as you can.

Lyfe Infused
Lyfe Infused set-up (Photo Credit: Nicole Scarlett)


Arranging products is another key to success.

You want to have everything lined up properly. No matter what you are selling, placing your best selling products up front and prominent is the way to go. What you don’t want to do is have things all over the place. Imagine you have a customer and you’re telling them about this amazing new product , but when you looked down to show it to them, you can’t find because its lost in a sea of items.

Let the Bidding Start At….The Price

Don’t be so quick to lower a price.

There can be times when you feel like you’re not getting any traffic. You’ve had people stop and ask questions, you caught some real attention, but no sales. You might feel the pressure to lower your prices.

Be careful with that. I would think that towards the end of the night, lowering prices to add some revenue before the night closes is a good idea. What you don’t want to do is drop prices because you haven’t got a sale yet. Stick to your price! You’re going to get people who are going to try to haggle prices and you will be tempted to make a deal. Before you do, be patient. What someone needs discounted, someone else will pay full price.

You’re The Star of The Show

No one is going to sell you’re brand better than you! So you have to open up the inner-sales person in you and start selling.

As an introvert myself, I know how hard it is to get into that character. For me, I’ve had plenty of chances to break out that box due to the podcast. For someone else, I would recommend, practicing your sales pitch on someone else. A friend, co-worker, or business partner could be good practice for you as you perfect your pitch.

Can I Kick It?
Terry Tetris with Can I Kick It? (Photo Credit: Nicole Scarlett)

Stand-up, greet anyone coming to or by your table. It’s on you to engage customers and bring people to you. Speak with knowledge and confidence of your brand.

Patience Is A Virtue

At the end of the day, you have to be patient. All good companies took a moment to get off the ground. It might take a few hours or a few events before you catch your rhythm and make your first sale. Don’t be intimated by the fact that others are making sales or you see long lines at tables right besides yours.

If you believe in what you’re selling, believe in it long enough to sustain you until other people can believe as well.

Take some of these tips with you as you start your journey to creating the next big thing.

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