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HomeCultureThe End: How To Break Up With Your Weed Dealer

The End: How To Break Up With Your Weed Dealer

The Break-Up: How To End The Relationship With Your Weed Dealer

Breaking up is hard to do. To seperate from someone or something that you have been in some form of a relationship with for a period of time is difficult. Feelings are involved, memories hang over your head like clouds. Ending a relationship is probably one of the least favorite things anyone wants to do.

It’s part of life.

What about ending a relationship with your weed man. We all have been there. You finally find someone who fits all your needs. They have good quality, they’re on time, they’re professional. Yet, there’s someone else. And that person has better quality. That person is more professional. They show up before you even call. They know you that well.

I’ve had to break-up with many a weed man. There are different reasons each time.

Quality is normally the biggest deal-breaker. I remember being loyal to this one person for way too long, even though I knew they didn’t have the best quality bud. This was the time in my life when buying dime bags was the most I did.

Dealing on that small of a scale, you don’t get to always find the best people. So, when I found someone who I could trust to stop by my house and drop-off, I stuck with him. Eventually, I did have to cut that off after finding someone with better quality.

It took a while for me to finally cut ties with him. It involved me spending twice the amount I wanted to spend on weed (1 bag from the new guy, 1 from my old guy) and keeping up a friendship with someone who I came to find out later, I was only friends with because I bought weed from him. It was like I was in two relationships. Eventually, I had to end that.

I had another situation where I had guy who had good quality, but could never deliver on time. He had me waiting for him one time, outside for close to 3 hours. Every time I called him he was 15 minutes away. But at the time, he was my only really option for good quality bud.

He was a cool dude man. One time, he pulled up on me in a fur coat! But the time thing was going to be the death of this relationship and I knew it. Just like in a bad relationship, you start sending out signals to other people like, “I’m with him, but not WITH him.”

Eventually, the subtle signs I would put out when I was out and about that I was shopping for a new person started to bring forth fruit. I started to find other people. These other people had better quality and they knew how to keep a schedule.

Eventually, I would have to end that other relationship. I probably didn’t end this in the best way. I totally ghosted him. Just stopped responding to messages, calls. I didn’t know how to do this.

Breaking up with a person you were financially and personally involved with is hard. But life goes on

Later in my life, I would treat weed breakups differently. I guess at this point, I’ve been dating long enough to know what I want. I can give a person a try, but after a few times, cutting them off isn’t an issue anymore.

I had to do that with someone not too long ago. He was the homie! He would deliver. He always had a good take on music and sports. We have mutual friends. It just made sense. Until it didn’t.

We as consumers are not married to anyone person when it comes to weed. So, I met someone. They had really, really good bud. They lived closer to me. Prices were slightly different, but proximity and product made up for that.

I made a decision. I cut it off with my old guy in favor of the new one. I feel sad sometimes. I haven’t spoken to him since the last time. I wonder if he has new customers and if the business is going well? This was a hard breakup, but it was needed.

Since then, I treat shopping for weed like dating. I keep a couple on rotation. They all know about each other out of respect. Sometimes, we all kick it. No one feels any type of way when I buy from one and not the other. We are adults about this.

A relationship with the person you get your weed from can be serious. Being an honorable person, you know it’s time for you to have, “the talk,” with your soon to be ex.

 How do you go about that? Here are a few suggestions for how you can cut ties with your plug.

Just Be Honest

Honesty is the best policy. Treat is as if you are leaving an actual relationship. You know this person deserves more that the “it’s not you, it’s me,” convo. Explain to them why you are choosing to take your cash app to another person. It may be awkward at first, but coming across honest can help you keep a contact that you may need in the future.

Switch Locations

You might not someone who is upfront enough to go the honest route. One of the things you can do is change your locations. Chances are, you and your old plug share a lot of the same places. Might see them at the same clubs, restaurants, studios, etc. In order to avoid being straight up the person, you could always take the cowards way out.

You might have to stop going to some of your favorite places in hopes of not having an awkward moment. Imagine walking into room with a bag of premium bud you just purchased from your new person, just to bump into your last plug! Now, you have to explain why you went missing. You might have to spend money you don’t want to spend on weed you don’t need, just to save face.


You don’t want to be honest. You decided that switching up your daily routine is too much. What is left to do? Treat it like dating in the digital age. Go ghost!

I’ve employed this tactic a few times. Ghosting is more about self-preservation. You have to turn your feelings off for this one. It’s probably the worst way to do things. You definitely come off like a douche. What it does is save you a ton of time explaining why you decided not to spend money with this person anymore.

No matter how you do it, breaking up is hard to do. When you decide to break-up with your weed dude try to be cool about it. It’s about burning trees, not burning bridges.

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