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The DMV’s Wholesome af CannaCook: The Green Panther Chef

The DMV’s Wholesome af CannaCook: The Green Panther Chef (Photo Credit: Green Panther)

Many working in the cannabis industry were brought here because of a fundamental need. Cash aside, ailing conditions of our minds and/or bodies push us in the direction of the green when nothing else is working.

So why not make a living out of what’s bettering your life?

This is reality of DMV cannabis entrepreneur Jazmine Moore, who also goes by “Jazz.” A dope Black af chef, she’s the founder of Green Panther Chef. Learn how this 2016 culinary school grad made a way out of nothing and see how you can do the same!

About the Cooking Brand

Though not inspired by the Black Panther Party, Green Panther Chef embodies sustainability, nature and 360 wellness. Aside from her immense love of panthers, Jazz feels they’re understated animals with endless elegance that represent her brand well.

The company as a whole represents who she is as a person.

Because it was founded out of desperation and necessity after Jazz was a diagnosed with Crohn’s Disease.

Combining the medicinal benefits of CBD with her culinary school background, she forged ahead and it plays major roles in the DMV cannabis markets.

Motivated by her company mission, Jazz has made notable strategic partnerships. Her aim is to destigmatize cannabis and inspire the average leafy consumer to experiment with infusion at home when considering who she aligns with.

This alignment can involve pop-ups or large catered events, details below.

Green Panther Chef offers live online cooking classes, CBD-infused sauces and ongoing blog posts with cannabis cooking tips.

The DMV’s Wholesome af CannaCook: The Green Panther Chef (Photo Credit: Green Panther)

Cheffin’ with Jazmine Moore

Jazz is a chef down to her bones. Her favorite method of cannabis consumption is ingesting via food (of course)!

I pressed her about it and her response? “Smoking is great BUT!” Oh, okay Chef Kanye.

Since Crohn’s Disease affects the bowels, ingestion is the best way to manage her condition. Plus edibles and infusions make what you shove into your mouth measurable. And the effects last longer than smoking.

With a cheeky voice of a pleased sneaky kid, Jazz added that she likes sneaking CBD and cannabis into salads, ice creams, cakes and so much more.

The Green Panther Chef has a myriad of favorite strains:

Lately, she’s been listening to reggae and she has Bob Marley and Alkaline in rotation. Combine all this and throw Jazz in the kitchen and you end up with a cathartic experience.

It was resonating to hear her say that she goes “in the kitchen with those good vibes and [get] it out.”

What Green Panther Chef has for you!

If you’re not in the DMV, you can check out Jazz’s website for cannabis cooking tips and tune into the live cooking classes she offers. She makes sure to focus on “conscious condiments” in the lessons.

For those in Maryland or DC or may pay a visit soon, make sure to grab a ticket to the Green Gatsby! Inspired by the book and film The Great Gatsby, the dinner is a charity event where all profits go to medical cannabis patients.

For this event, Green Panther Chef partnered with KIP, a newer Maryland dispensary, and Americans For Safe Access.

Hosted on the weekend of St. Patrick’s Day, you’ll get an aptly themed plated 3-course dinner.

If you’re not about all that, you can buy her CBD-infused condiments or a shirt here.

Broaden your cannabis career options

We hope Jazz’s experiences inspire you to take a shot at crossing multiple parts of your life for a potential business! Becoming a cannabis entrepreneur doesn’t start or stop with owning a dispensary, growing facility or processing plant. Shoot your shot and be original!

While you pursue your career in cannabis, use Green Panther Chef’s tips to learn how to start infusing your life with cannabis food today.

Alaina “CannaLaina” Dorsey is a freelance cannabis content marketing writer and strategist based in Baltimore, MD. For dispensaries and online cannabis businesses, she writes the chilliest customer-focused content that sells. Quirks available upon request at

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