Site icon CashColorCannabis Offers Free medical Marijuana To Government Workers Amid Shutdown

Budtrader Offers Free medical Marijuana To Government Workers Amid Shutdown

The government shutdown can do a lot to persons mental and physical state. has a plan to help government workers going through the shut down.

Per The Hill

The shutdown – which affects an estimated 800,000 federal workers and has stretched on for more than a month – stems from disagreements between President Trump and congressional Democrats over his request for more than $5 billion in funding for a border wall separating the United States and Mexico.

“I don’t think federal employees are getting enough love and support, in these tough times, we want to extend the offer of a donation of medical cannabis to any federal worker affected by the shutdown,” BudTrader CEO Brad McLaughlin said in a Tuesday news release.

The company said it’s working with an attorney to “ensure that all cannabis donations given to federal employees are confidential and compliant with California Cannabis adult use laws and regulations.”

The site said it will donate “the maximum legal allowable amount of cannabis” to any affected government employees.

Budtrader joins companies like Delta and others who have helped out during the shutdown.

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