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HomeBusinessKnow Your Cannabis Glossary: 12 Common Terms You Should Know

Know Your Cannabis Glossary: 12 Common Terms You Should Know

Know your terms
Know Your Terms: Cannabis Glossary

Even if the only connection you have to cannabis is through movies, you probably know what bongs, joints and bowls are. But stepping into a medical or recreational dispensary for the first time also means encountering a whole new language.

“The cannabis culture has its own language and continues to grow every day,” exclaims La Vida Verde President, Bryce Berryessa. “Each word has multiple meanings and can be used in numerous ways.” La Vida Verde provides healthy organic edibles and tinctures, made with only high-quality ingredients.

“In an industry growing and changing as quickly as cannabis, everyday people must stay up-to-date with the terminology,” preaches Daniel Wacks, CEO of California’s top indoor cultivation facility State Flower.

Before you rip that bong or roll a joint, please consider the below cannabis terms.

  1. Cannabinoids: The active ingredients in marijuana, like THC and CBD; there are about 60 cannabinoids.
  2. Cannabis: A plant with an upright stem, divided serrated leaves, and glandular hairs. It is used to produce hemp fibers and provides a psychotropic drug effect via extract, ingestible, or smokable.
  3. CBD (Cannabidiol): The second most common active ingredient in cannabis. Does not cause euphoria. A powerful anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and antianxiety drug.
  4. Cultivation (Indoor vs. Outdoor): Indoor cultivation is believed to produce a higher quality than outdoor cultivation. Indoor plants allow for complete control of the environment and result in marijuana plants with strong aromas and flavors. Outdoor plants must compete with Mother Nature and other open-air events that are uncontrollable.
  5. Envirocann:  A process and product based certification that reflects local and state environmental compliance combined with onsite inspections and laboratory analysis. Testing organically grown cannabis.
  6. Extract: A processed, pure form of cannabis. Can appear as an oil, powder or resin.
  7. Flower: Shopping term for dried, cured cannabis flower buds.
  8. Proposition 215: The Compassionate Use Act of 1996, which created medical defenses against prosecution for pot patients in California.
  9. Proposition 64: The Adult Use of Marijuana Act of 2016, which legalized recreational cannabis over the counter for adults 21 and older in California.
  10. Psychoactive: Something that affects psychological function, causing euphoria or sedation.
  11. Strain: From Pineapple Express to Sour Diesel, there are thousands of different strains, grown for their unique qualities – higher THC, a certain taste or smell. Strains are either Indica or Sativa-based.
  12. Terpenes: The smell and flavor molecules in cannabis, which is also therapeutically active.
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